
Andrew Kagia creator of Nairobi X a 3D video game set in the Kenya’s capital city Nairobi

Andrew Kagia is the creator of Nairobi X, a video game set in Nairobi (Kenya) representing a character Otero, who is part of the Recce Squad, and who’s duty is to save the city from an alien invasion. The game begins at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre, where Otero starts his mission after being briefed.

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Fasoap, a soap against malaria invented by two students from Burkina Faso and Burundi

The Burkinabees Moctar Dembélé and the Burundian Gérard Niyondiko two students in Burkina Faso have just been rewarded for their work by the University of Berkeley in California during the Global Social Venture Competition. After research at the International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering in Ouagadougou, the two students developed this revolutionary soap. Composed…

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