
Malawian Stanford Muyila Wins Young Scientist Award in Japan

32-year-old Malawian, Stanford Muyila, has been awarded the Young Scientist Award in Japan during the Japan-China-Korea Grassland Conference for successfully creating a low-cost method for increasing the nutritional value of agricultural waste for animal feed. Research on “The Effect of Pre-treatment Method (Autoclaving and Pasteurization) on the Nutritional Value of Bagasse Incubated with White-Rot Fungi.” Stanford…

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Nigeria: Google has launched free public Wi-Fi hotspots across the country

In an effort to increase its presence in Africa, Google launched a network of free Wi-Fi hotspots in the most populous country in Africa: Nigeria. In partnership with 21st Century technologies, Nigerian fiber optic telecoms service provider, Google will provide free Wifi in selected public spaces of the country. Google aims to make free Wi-Fi…

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Reppie project: The first African waste-to-energy facility is being built in Ethiopia

Ethiopian entrepreneur Samuel Alemayehu is working on building Africa’s first waste-to-energy plant. The goal is to turn the urban waste in Addis Ababa into energy. As more and more people are sicking the city life, and more industries are being built, the rapid transformation of Addis Ababa has created a serious urban waste issues. Home to…

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Kenya: Bringing connectivity to rural areas using Loon internet-delivering balloons

Google's sister-company Loon is  partnering with Telkom Kenya to deliver connectivity to rural areas of the country. Loon is to bring 4G internet access to parts of the country using high-altitude balloons. Solving the internet accessibility issue "The goal with the Kenyan deployment is to improve connectivity for large swaths of the country not currently…

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Madagascar has the fastest broadband speed in Africa

A broadband speed recently released by UK analytics firm Cable, which collects data from 200 countries, shows that Madagascar has the fastest broadband speed in Africa. At 24.9 megabits per second, Madagascar now has the fastest internet on the continent, placing it at 22nd in the world, out-pacing some of the world’s wealthiest nations like Canada, France, and the…

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Obama launched a foundation in Kenya and payed tribute to Mandela in Johannesburg

On July 15, Barack Obama made his first post-presidency visit to Kenya, and launched a center for Knowledge, Learning & Excellence founded by his half sister in the rural birthplace of his father Kolego. President Obama traveled to Kenya on Sunday to promote the opening of a sports and training center that his half sister, Auma…

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