Burkinabé Iron Biby crowned 2019 World Champion of Log Lift
Burkinabé athlete Cheick Al-Hassan, aka Iron Biby, won
on Saturday April 6, and for the second time in a row, the title of World Champion of Log Lift, at the Europe Strongest Man 2019 event, after lifting 220 kg.
In April 2018, Cheich Al-Hassan Sanou had already won the title (tied) by lifting a load of 213 kg. This year, the Burkinabé broke the world record in the category by lifting a load of 220 kg.
This year the competition was between 12 other competitors and Iron Biby who was the only African. At every stage of the competition, weightlifter Cheick Al-Hassan Sanou always distinguished himself from all other competitors by taking the stage at an impressive speed. Indeed, he always found himself raising more than the other candidates. While the others first attacked loads of 175 kg, 190 kg, the Burkinabé jumped all these steps to tackle a load of 203 kg. Subsequently, instead of attacking the 214 kg like the others, it directly attacked the load of 220 kg.
The other competitors tried the impossible by fetching the 229 kg, but were not able to make it. The record of the evening remained the 220 kg, and Iron Biby kept his title of world champion in this discipline!